Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We're back in business

So for all 3 people who have checked my blog in the last month and a half and noticed we have not done much with it here we are again. Blogging is annoying because I feel like it's a baby I have to take care of all the time. As you have noticed my "baby" would be way dead by now! Anyway. We have a lot to catch up on so I will do my best. Claire turned 3 and no-she is not potty trained!!! She dosen't really care either. She will tell us if she has stinks on occasion but that is about it. Brig on the other hand might be out of diapers before Claire. The other day he scrunched up his nose and said "stinks" and about 30 seconds later was doing his business in his pants! Way to go Brig!!! Cam made it back from Minnesota and he had a great time. He learned tons and ate even more!!! He had a week off after he got back so we did lots of fun stuff with him off of school. We went to the Botanical Gardens which was really really cool the kids all had a great time and we did too. We also went down to Cuyahoga Valley National park and did some dutch oven cooking, we also went to the CASE farm and did more dutch oven cooking! We had a great week with Cam off but we are glad to have him back in school so we can stay caught up on "life" like the wash and a cleaner house.


Jackie Sanders said...

This is like SO SO SO much better then Christmas!
I have to say that first picture of Brig looks like a Lucy, Claire mix. And the hot dog sandwich, watch out Food Network.
Claire, she looks stinkin so cute in her princess outfit! What a doll!!!
That Garden looks like so much fun. Where does all the Utah funding for things like that go? We're movin in!
Oh, and loved the comment about the 3 people posting comments.
At least you don't have to make up names, and passwords, and sign on your own blog!!!! Yeah, like who does that anyway!
Our Christmas chain gets smaller by the day.
And thanks for updating. I was feeling "like a total jerk" checking your blog 10thousand times a DAY!!
OH, and the baby, looks like yours is breathing on her own again! YEA!!!
Thanks Auds!!!!

Jackie Sanders said...

(This makes post number 2)
I didn't see the pictures on the OTHER SIDE!!!
YES CAM!!! Flying Zorbas! As Abe would say, CHOW DOWN!!!! Any by the looks of things, I mean your outfit fitting a tad bit snugger then before that meal, it looks like you really did.
Oh man, just a kiddin ya!
The only thing snug around these parts are my comments!
I'm outie!

Kim said...

Hey Becks,
Thank you so much for the updates and pictures - love them!!! Brig looks so different from the last pics; so much older! I really hate this long distance grandparenting business. We can't wait until you all get here; it's been way too long!! We didn't see any pictures of Audrey - she must be the photographer!
xoxo Mom

Codi said...

Finally an update!!! So happy to see all of your fun pictures and adventures. Um, is Brig just the cutest?! I love his little scrunch nose when he smiles. Happy late birthday to Claire - love the dress ups. And Grant is such a cute big brother.

Can't wait to see you guys next month!

Alisa said...

I agree... it's about time for an update and some pics! For a few days there I almost made up my mind that you guys are blog snobs. It's not like you don't have anything else going on (;

You have to keep the pictures and posts coming though because out of everyone YOU guys are the farthest away and we want to see and hear from you! I started to feel like a bit of a freak clicking on your blog link every day for almost a month straight and seeing no updates.

Enough of that... Audrey the cake was quite a masterpiece I bet Claire went nuts for it. Great job! I wonder... did you come up with that on your own or find an idea about it somewhere?

Brig looks almost as big as Grant; insane! Grant is a willowy guy. I can't wait to have some deep conversations with him.

Brig must be a ton of fun... look at him! He is the cutest little bald guy I've ever seen, digging in the garden.

Is that dress-up what we gave Claire? I can't remember! I hope she's had fun playing make-believe. Bet she wishes she could blow up that cake castle to life-size so she has somewhere to sit her cute lil' princess keister.

Cameron, I miss you! Thanks for showing us a picture of Minnesota. I'm glad you had time to eat amongst your busy schedule. Any prizes for polishing that one off? Whoa! No one else would think of wearing an ultimate frisbee as a helmet except for you, I love it. And you must have been in charge of the tunes... I about shed a tear as Patrick O'Hearn came through the speakers. I could hear Mom's slides clicking along with the music. Love you.

Sherrie said...

Nice update Audrey. :) Crazy that it was cold a few days ago, and now we're in smothering heat. :) Your kids are so cute, I love seeing the fun things you do as a family! :)

Lisha said...

Great blogging! Nice to have you back. Fun to see all the new pictures as well! I can't believe how big all your kids are getting. Happy Belated b-day to Claire!:)

Rosemarie Horne said...

So cute pics! Wow, I wish it were that sunny in Utah! How would that be! So super the prop Cam made! Ya gotta love the men folk and what they do! You should check out my blog sometime... I try to make it entertaining and hopefully it's not too depressing! Me love Tulip, uh I mean Auds!

Cuyahoga Valley Hike

Grant and Claire

Grant and Claire
Grant and Claire at "Ice Box" Cave

How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?
The sign next to Brig reads, "Smell This Plant"....maybe later.

3 Amigos

3 Amigos
They look innocent...

Pump It!

Pump It!
Brig was having a ball with the water spout

Water Girl

Water Girl
Claire at the Botanical Garden


This is why 1 year olds aren't allowed in the kitchen. They would make nasty hot dog and peanut butter sandwiches and eat them!

Botanical Gardens

Botanical Gardens
Grant and Claire in Madagascar Biome.

Claire's Birthday

Claire's Birthday
Claire's B-day was May 27th but it was freezing cold. We did it in a park but everyone was bundled b/c the wind was blowing so much. Needless to say it was a short party, and the ice cream didn't melt.

Princess Claire

Princess Claire
A dress up she got for her birthday.

Mommy Claire

Mommy Claire
Claire has a great imagination. She will make anything into play stuff. shel loves to be the mom. In this pic. she pulled up her stroller and was reading her baby a book. The different color rings on the stroller are boy and girl rings. The ones on the left are girls and the ones on the left are boys. Claire gets really into her books. Cam said yesterday sometimes he can't tell if she is just reading/pretending or if she is really crying! She is her own person for sure.

After the Egg Hunt

After the Egg Hunt
Enjoying the spoils after the Easter egg hunt. Brig will shake and egg and if there is something in it he will give it to us to open. He's a smart cookie with a sweet tooth!

Lawnmowing in March

Lawnmowing in March
We were pulling out our kids table from the shed outside for Easter dinner with our friends and Claire saw the mowers and had to pull them out!

Storm of '08

Storm of '08
What a snow storm it was! Probably 1.5-2 feet deep in some spots, deeper in others

Variations on Winter

Variations on Winter
We got a suit for Claire at Old Navy and as all girls are, she couldn't wait to get it on. Mind you it's like 25 outside. To make it even better, Grant was headed ouside to play in the mounds of snow we got, I had to get a pic of them together!

Claire's mishap

Claire's mishap
Let's explain why Claire looks so freaky!! O.K. so we were having a fun family night together a few Sundays ago. We were tossing the kids up in the blanket and instead of Claire landing back in the blanket she landed on her head on the floor. We took her to the ER and a few hours later found out she had a hair-line fracture on her skull right above her eye and this is what she looked like the next day. We made sure to tell Grant not to say anything to her about her eye, as to not make her too upset. He said o.k. so a little while later he thought I was out of earshot and he said your eye is so gross, I can't stand to look at it anymore. Then he walked away!! She is our cute Claire now and has healed great!!!.


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True Love

True Love
We celebrated 8 great years on February 17th, 2008! To many more!

Big Rig Brig

Big Rig Brig
Dimple Doodle Dandy!

"Sun on Moss" By Audrey Beck circa 2008

"Sun on Moss" By Audrey Beck circa 2008
Cool place in Cuyahoga Valley

You are my sunshine!

You are my sunshine!
This is what happens when you try to give a man a fun birthday present. It turns into a prop!

Hog Wild

Hog Wild
Grant and Brig...In our dirt pile full of mud! They loved it!


Brig has a Goose fetish. He calls them Goo's and loves seeing them!!

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Cuyahoga Valley National Park
At the Ledges

Brig at the Case Farm

Brig at the Case Farm

White Earth Nation

White Earth Nation
Cam in Minnesota on the White Earth Reservation.

Fries with that?

Fries with that?
Zorbaz Fiesta Platter in Detroit Lakes MN, need we say more?

New Zealand

New Zealand
We got a scavenger hunt map from granny and grandpa and had fun finding different places on the map they collected their shells and rocks from.


Grant takes after his dad in so many ways.....


This is a fence in a really cool place in Ohio called Cuyahoga Valley National Park. We really like to visit there, and I have a weird addiction to taking pics of fences!

Blast From the Past

Blast From the Past
Cam Grant and Claire in the kitchen making cookies!

Our Awesome House

Our Awesome House
I love our house so much, and will miss it a ton when we leave Cleveland

Bubble Girl

Bubble Girl

Claire and Brig at the park

Claire and Brig at the park

camping in the backyard

camping in the backyard
Tyler, Grant and Claire are roasting marshmallows over thier fire

Claire and Mom

Claire and Mom

My Magnolia Tree

My Magnolia Tree
One of the things I will really miss about Cleveland and our great house is the Mangolia tree outside one of our front room windows. It is a huge beautiful tree with delicate blossoms that only last a short time. I love it!

Going Camping

Going Camping
Claire and her friend Halle today decided they were going to go "camping" like their brothers Grant and Tyler. I wonder who will last in the wilderness the longest. Grant and Tyler with a backpack full of food, bandaids, matches ect. or Claire and Halle with a backpack full of fluffy shoes and stuffed animals!

The Chair

The Chair
Here is a pic of the chairs that I have,sorry I can't figure out how to rotate it on the blog!

As if Brig wasn't big enough...

As if Brig wasn't big enough...
Brig decided to see how the bike pump tasted. Grant went over and gave him some air! Brig would laugh and laugh-he really had a good time.

Easter Dinner

Easter Dinner

This is Your Brain on Tube

This is Your Brain on Tube
Claire was watching a show the other day and had put her shirt over her head and we thought it was pretty funny! TV may not be as safe as we previously thought.


Brig discovering the phone. He loves to say hi and play on the phone any chance he gets. In this picture he is saying hi to Nan and Grandpa.

Easter Morning

Easter Morning
Claire was really excited to find the goodies left by the Easter bunny and started devouring the contents of the eggs she found.

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day
Here are the kids in their green with our neighbors Spence and Matthew

Food Man

Food Man
Brig could eat all day if we let him. He really loves food, maybe we need to stop feeding him so his belly won't be so big so he can walk!! He knows when the fridge is open and makes a crawl for it as fast as he can. He will reach for our candy cupboard too. The little stinker!

Dentists in training

Dentists in training
This past wash day the kids and I were sorting out all the dirty clothes in Brig's room (man were there a lot of them) Anyway, I had gone downstaris to put a load of wash in and when I started to come back up I could hear Grant and Claire laughing. I stood on the steps to listen for a minute but couldn't figure out what they were doing. I went up and they were dressed up in Cam's scrubs! They were having a ball being dental students together so I had to get a pic!