We went down to one of our favorite spots in "The Ohio" again yesterday-Cuyahoga Valley National Park. We went on a hike this time and really had fun. We were worried about the weather, it was supposed to be 90+ degrees and high humidity. We got down there and it was definitely HOT!!! We brought our kid carrier backpack and a small backpack that Grant or Claire could carry. FYI if you ever go on a hike with Claire these are the kinds of things you will find in her pack.(We had no idea what was in there until we got down there.)So here were the items in her pack 1. An empty baby carrot package. 2. One of Grant's "crock" shoes. 3. One of Brigs Sunday shoes.
4. Our mini crocodile Dentist game. 5. 2 bottles of water. She was so happy she had packed it all herself and she wanted to carry it too. So after we emptied her pack of all her unnecessary items (she wouldn't let us take the crocodile Dentist game out.) We headed on our way to the trail. The scenery was amazing it was truly magical. There were very few spots where the sun came through the trees so mostly shade the whole time. EVERYTHING was covered with bright green moss-trees,rocks,everything. It was such a feast for the eyes. We had a map they provide at the head of the trail so we were following it to the "Ice Cave" Luckily we ran into some people and asked them if they had been to the ice cave they said they were just heading there. We were going the exact wrong way!! We hiked a little farther and then turned around to go to the ice cave. We knew we were there because cool air was oozing out of the cave. It was amazing to be by it. I guess it is like 50 degrees all year round at the cave. They had cool rock formations you could hike through. They reminded me of the Narrows in Utah. The kids really had a great time. We will be going back in the near future!!